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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Is There Any Way to Beat Cancer?

If you have been diagnosed with cancer it can be overwhelming. There is alot of information all over the internet and in the medical community that can seem very confusing. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer one of the most important things you need to realize is there is hope for total remission. The very first step is believing in yourself and that you can beat your cancer. Cancer is a process that happens over a period of time. You do not get cancer over night. There are several things that have gone wrong in your cell development and your body and your healthy cells where not able to fight the cancer cells. You can however reverse the process. It can take time and determination but it can be done. The further the stage your cancer is in the longer it may take to reverse the process, but you can do it. Your body is designed naturally to heal itself. When we get a cut, an injury, major surgery, illness, broken bones, etc. your body will repair itself. The brain automatically sends out signals to your entire body to fight the ailment or illness. The better you take care of yourself and provide your body and cells with the essentials it needs the easier your body can heal itself. Your body does this everyday of your life, healing itself, rebuilding itself and providing you with life.

You may not be aware of this, but everyone has cancer cells. Your body, especially your white cells (NK Cells) fight off and kill the cancer cells. One NK cell attaches to a cancer cell and kills it in a matter of seconds. That same NK cell can continue to kill numerous cancer cells before that NK cell dies off. Your body will naturally continue producing more NK cells. It is an ongoing natural process in your body.



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