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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Anal Cancer and Homosexuality

The number of cases of anal cancer is increasing on a year to year basis. And research shows that it can affect both men and women equally. However, homosexual men are 17 times more likely to contract anal cancer than men who do are heterosexual.

According to the Cancer Association of South Africa, one of the main causes of this cancer is Human Papilloma Virus, better known as HPV. This virus is transmitted from an infected through sexual contact and is, therefore, a sexually transmitted infection. Other factors that increase the risk of this type of cancer are smoking, using immunosuppresants, having multiple sex partners, and having anal sex, which increases the chances of getting the HPV virus.

The reason why homosexual men are at higher risk of contracting this cancer is because they engage in unprotected sex. Gay men who indulge in unprotected sex are at higher risk due to infection. The HPV virus can be spread even by touching the genitals. And that is why condoms are advocated by healthcare professionals. However, it is important to note that using a condom cannot protect you completely from the HPV virus.

Healthcare professionals also say that being HIV positive or having other STIs besides HPV also increases the risk of getting anal cancer. According to the Medical Research Council based in the UK, the rate of this cancer is around 37 out of 100,000 gay men and if they are HIV positive, the rate doubles.

The cancer is usually treated through surgery in the initial stages and later stages are treated with a combination of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

The good news is that researchers have found a new technique for detecting pre-cancerous and cancerous cells in early stages. This technique is known as minichromosome maintenance proteins. This technique will be a greatly benefit gay men who are at the highest risk of contracting anal carcinoma.

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