Fear of Cancer Can Increase Anxiety
Cancer is a well known and devastating disease that plagues western society in particular. There is no acknowledged orthodox medical programme for its prevention and no guarantee that any remedial methods will result in a cure. It is understandable that many of us are nervous about contracting the disease ourselves.
All fear will create a degree of anxiety. Conscious fears can be relatively easy to dissolve through reasoning. Other fears can deeply affect our subconscious attitudes and affect our mental health with the power to disturb our peace of mind. We may not even be aware of them. But they will all contribute to any anxiety state we may suffer. The known law that we tend to attract what we fear provides us with stimulus to overcome fear of any kind.
However as the only way to cope with a recognized fear is to face it and in this case, learn what you can about cancer, to be better informed and therefore better able to cope.
We know that although cancers are known back over the centuries, it has never been evident to the extent it is now in the environment of modern industry and technology. The list of known carcinogens continues to grow as all the artificially produced chemicals, plastics and material of all kinds that surround us in city life and even in rural conditions spoil our natural clean environment. So we know that avoiding these polluting factors will take us a step towards prevention.
As to the study of treatment methods, we must observe the current ones used by the medical profession and these involve chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. We must also study the methods used in other cultures and healing systems, many of which appeal to those who choose to avoid the more invasive methods.
Until recently it was not easy to have access to eastern medicine. Its methods are now becoming valued not only for their effective use amongst the millions who live in Asia and SE Asian communities but that they often succeed in the west, where other methods fail. Cancer is just one of the many diseases treated by herbs, acupuncture, and natural traditional techniques.
Scientists are realizing through research into psychosomatic medicine, how deeply the mind is involved in physical disease. Relaxation, meditation and prayer are no longer looked upon as questionable but of real value in reducing anxiety, by offering a means of attaining helpful and positive states of mind and consciousness.
We cannot do better than to take whatever preventative steps we can by building vital health and fitness of mind and body. We should also become familiar with all the modalities that claim to offer a cure, should we ourselves, or our loved ones, contract cancer.
Most of all, once we are satisfied that we have a healthy perspective and accurate information about the subject, and have determined our own attitudes, we must find a way to reduce any anxiety and direct our minds into positive channels.
Sally Wilson supports a philosophy that looks to Nature as the ultimate Intelligence that directs us towards a lifestyle promising happiness as we learn to live according to natural laws to experience a natural, vital state of health.Our interests and studies of all natural sciences offer particular benefit to women who guide them in selection of the courses of action in personal care and self discipline as well as in caring for the welfare of families. Many of Sally Wilson's articles are written to inform and encourage women.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sally_Wilson
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