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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Two Major Causes of Cancer Are Diet and Environmental Factors

If the body receives a cutting injury, cells know when to stop reproducing once they have "filled in" a cut. With cancer, one cell gets the idea to reproduce and begins doing so for no apparent reason. The cells that it reproduces form a hard lump. This is cancer. Often a cell from this lump, or tumor, will spread to another part of the body and begin reproduction there. hese cells are not receptive to the normal signal to stop.

Two major causes of cancer are diet and environmental factors, or carcinogens, such as heavy metals, pesticides, and chemicals, both of which can suppress immune system function. Stress is also a factor in the development of cancer as well as the exacerbation of cancer itself.

Poor oxygenation, which can result from inadequate exercise, stress, certain medications such as estrogen and cortisol, provides an environment in which cancer cells can grow. As long ago as 1966, Otto Warburg, a two-time Nobel Laureate, said that while cancer has many secondary causes, it has only one prime cause: lack of oxygen in the body's cells! Consequently, anything that increases oxygenation at the level of the cells can inhibit cancerous growth.

Recommendations for prevention and treatment

1. Reduce your stress levels. Find constructive solutions for emotions such as hate, anger, extreme sadness, and depression. Biofeedback can be helpful in controlling emotions. Great progress is being made in the area of non-cognitive biofeedback, a technology that recycles the body's heart variations as a means of treating dysfunctions of the autonomic nervous system or your body's unconscious control mechanisms.

2. If you are overweight...lose it. High body fat in obesity increases estrogen production, which increases cancer rates in both men and women.

3. If you smoke...stop! Reduce or eliminate your consumption of socially accepted poisons such as coffee and alcohol. Reduce your consumption of red meat. Avoid hydrogenated fats such as margarine and vegetable oil. Increase the fiber, such as raw fruits and vegetables, in your diet and exercise regularly.

4. Avoid excess iron supplements and "iron-fortified" foods. Increased iron levels suppress the cancer-killing function of macrophages, interferes with lymphocytes, and contribute to the development of leukemia and lymphoma. The body's iron accumulation tends to increase with age. Copper supplementation, such as in a multi-mineral complex, can antagonize the effect of excess iron. In addition, avoid unsaturated fatty acids, calcium supplements, and reduce your estrogen levels. These factors all increase iron absorption and accumulation.

5. Drink only purified water, preferably reverse osmosis or steam distilled. Avoid tap water, especially if it's fluoridated. Heavy elements such as chlorine and fluoride are known carcinogens.

6. Supplement with antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, E, Coenzyme Q10, Bioflavonoids, superoxide dismutase, and proteolytic enzymes; minerals such as zinc, magnesium, and selenium; and fresh, cold-pressed flax seed oil (which contains essential fatty acids) along with coconut oil (which is a medium-chain triglyceride that promotes metabolism and thyroid function). B-complex is necessary for normal cell division. Dimethyglycine, or DMG, germanium, and stabilized oxygen (such as Aerobic 07) improve oxygenation of the cells. All supplements should be from natural sources only.

7. Herbs such as pau d'arco, burdock root, red clover, and chaparral all have anti-cancer activity and are excellent additions to a cancer therapy program.

8. Homeopathics helpful in cancerous conditions include Conium Mac, Viscum Album, and Carcinosinum. The inherited weakness, known as a "miasm," should also be investigated. Viscum (a.k.a. Iscador) can be taken subcutaneously according to a specific protocol developed by homeopathic and anthropormophic physicians for the treatment of cancer.

9. Increase your concentration of oxygen at the level of the cells. Oxygen Multistep Therapy and Hyperbaric Oxygen are two medical treatments that can be use to accomplish this purpose.

10. Reduce your body burden level of heavy metals. (See "Chelation Therapy.") A recent study revealed that people who undergo Heavy Metal Detoxification Therapy have a 90% reduced risk of developing cancer. This seems to implicate a very strong association between exposure to environmental pollutants and cancer.

11. Take sublingual fermented lactobacillus 1-3 packet three times daily for immune stimulation.

12. Gentle skin detoxification through a medical spa with steam sauna, infrared sauna, and/or contrast shower will help eliminate body poisons without side effects.

In general, you should eat as close to nature as possible. Foods to which you are found to be sensitive should initially be eliminated from the diet for at least six weeks. Once reintroduced, foods should ideally be rotated every four days. Interestingly, we often tend to be allergic to the foods we either eat the most often or rarely at all. In other words, variety in our diet may be the spice of food allergy prevention.