The Facts - Why Medical Science Can't Find a Cure For Cancer
Have you ever wondered why medical science can't find that elusive cure for cancer despite looking for nearly 40 years? The search for that magic pill or chemical has been going on now since war was declared on cancer in 1971, when the President of America allocated funds to find a cure for the scourge that had exploded in the last few years. This was just 2 years after they had successfully put man on the moon, so solving the cancer problem didn't seem insurmountable.
Today after spending billions of dollars in research are we any closer to solving the problem? Our current treatments are still only the same surgery, radiation and chemotherapy and very little else. Surgery is essentially akin to pulling weeds out of a garden. It doesn't deal with what caused the cancer to grow in the first place or addresses how to prevent it from growing again in the future. Radiation and chemotherapy, while they have refined them still only shrinks cancer and gives scant regard to the all important reason why the cancer arrived in the first place. You realise of course the rewards for the person who finds a cure and the enormous wealth it will bring. With cancer deaths at around 6 and half million people per year worldwide and climbing, there is a huge potential.
So why haven't they found a cure or at least made some headway into solving our cancer epidemic? Because they are all looking in the wrong place, there isn't a cure for cancer where they are looking. Cancer cannot be cured by a drug or a chemical, it's impossible. Two hundred years ago we had a similar problem with scurvy where thousands of seamen died. We know today that it was a vitamin C deficiency which caused scurvy and the only way to correct that was to eat foods that contain the missing vitamin. Berri Berri was another, a disease of the nervous system and was potentially fatal and was found to be caused by a lack of vitamin B1 in the diet so the only way to cure that was also naturally.
Cancer is exactly the same, it's caused by a weak immune system, which is the human bodies natural defense system and has been weaken by the way we live. We don't have drugs to boost the immune system so the only way to cure the cancer problem successfully is a natural way and that is to eat the foods that boost the immune system and remove from your lifestyle factors that weaken the immune system.
* Immune building food is all the freshly grown fruit and vegetables, especially organic that allow the natural forces within our body to fight the cancer and slowly remove it.
* Foods that destroy the immune system are all processed foods and the food that contain a high proportion of fat, salt or refined sugar.
* Factors that enhance the immune system are happiness, adequate rest and sleep, fresh air, sunshine, moderate exercise and most importantly a positive attitude towards life.
* Immune breakers are constant worry, mental and physical trauma, low self esteem, chemicals including chlorine, fluoride and pesticides, smoking and all drugs, recreational and medicinal, especially chemotherapy.
The solution to our cancer problem is to abandon our faith in modern medicine, which for all its science is still only a helpless bystander when it comes to curing cancer and to address the underlying cause of the problem which is mainly our addiction to the foods that stimulate, but do nothing towards nourishing the human body.
I'm aware that our current treatment of cancer today reflects the way we live whereby we don't want to take time out to be sick and to just rid the body of this unwanted growth as quickly as possible. Bizarre as it may seem that's just what surgery, radiation and chemotherapy do and they are quite good at that to some degree but there are many people, especially young people being diagnosed with cancer today who desperately want to live and want a permanent solution to the problem, and that is not, and has never been addressed by our mainstream medical system.
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