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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Cell Phone Use, Cancer, Your Health - Finding a Definite Answer That Links It

Have you heard the recent news about brain cancer and its connection to cell phone use? It is an alarming news to some people but there has been talk for a long time about it. Is it really true? There are more questions than answers. The recent news make more people think about it and the health of their family.

Cell phones are part of everyday life of almost everybody in this modern world. Who does not use one? At least one in the household has a cell phone. For some each family member uses one. Some people use it mainly as a safety measure. It is very useful when anyone has emergencies away from home. It comes in very handy.

Just for the past few days there has been news that cell phone radiation is connected to developing cancer. Studies have shown conflicting results about this. The fact is that it is up to you what to believe and take the necessary actions that best suit your lifestyle. It is important however, that you continue to follow the news and update yourself.

There has been reports that cell phone radiation is linked to confusion, depression, insomnia and headaches. Using it at bedtime shortens and delays the stages of deep sleep. As you know that deep sleep is needed to allow the body and the brain to rejuvenate.

The recent news mentioned some major companies that have models that have higher radiation levels that in turn poses a higher radiation risks to the consumer. However, some studies show that there is no adverse health effects from wireless phones.

Take care of your body. Prevention of illness still is the best medicine. It is up to you now what to do. Consider what will happen if you use it often or not, if you believe or not believe some of the reports determines your action.

Is your cell phone emitting a radiation level that is unsafe to your health? There is still no data that have a definite answer to this according to one of the researchers.

Monitoring your wellness is one of the best thing you can do to your body. Keep up with the recent news. Take care.

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