Cancer - Considering Causes and Treatments
A refreshing thought about curing cancer comes from the Medical Correspondent of The Times
"The body's natural defence mechanisms are just as capable of destroying cancer cells as they are of dealing with bacterial infections, and effective treatment of cancers should take account of that potential."
For too long cancer has seemed to us to be associated with symptoms so terrible that there seems little hope once the condition is diagnosed. But if we can break free from the knowledge of the present treatment methods that are terrible for those who have to experience chemotherapy and surgical procedures, and reconsider cancer in the light of all other physical diseases,we will find that there other methods of treatment than those which are failing us today.
Generally we look for causes any ailment as well as seeking relief. In the case of cancer, we know of a host of carcinogenic factors in our environment that are directly responsible.
We realise that to avoid all these causes that involve many toxic chemicals that were not a problem in earlier times but are now incorporated as necessities in our modern life, that we will only be able to compromise. We will never be totally free of toxic agencies in the air of our cities and countryside as long as industry, air travel, motor cars and our addiction to electronics and technology continues to create pollution. Nor will we be able to drink pure water until we have ceased putting chemicals such as chlorine and fluoride into the water.
We may know that the causes of cancer range beyond environmental influences, to include our personal habits, some of which, like smoking, are directly related to cancer. The most obvious examples are smoking and lung cancer, carbonated drinks and alcohol to stomach and liver cancer, mobile phones to brain cancers and suppressant deodorants to breast cancer.
But these are physical factors. There are others that involve our respiration and need for health cells to have adequate oxygen, exercise that keeps circulation able to provide nutrients, natural nutrition to provide all natures building blocks, adequate sleep and rest and many other disciplines that a naturopath will focus upon.
Still further in examining the complex influences that create this particular disease is the subtle psychological one, that has been demonstrated to have a strong and somewhat mysterious power to maintain health and to heal disease. The psychiatrist Dr Ainslie Meares was one in Australia who made us aware of the important of relaxation and meditation and the part they play, with his patients cured of cancer by attention to these practices.
It would be wise to consider that in the treatment of cancer, once it has developed, that there are many choices.
The orthodox advice is to come under the care of specialist oncologists who prescribe drugs and chemicals.
Through the many unorthodox or alternative treatments we must seek for those that are based upon sound values and natural health principles. It was once prohibited for an alternative therapist to claim to heal. It was totally the province of the medical establishment which relied upon the pharmaceutical companies' products.
Things have improved for cancer patients who are now free to seek a cure as they wish.
Information on the internet helps us in our exploration.
Sally Wilson supports a philosophy that looks to Nature as the ultimate Intelligence that directs us towards a lifestyle promising happiness as we learn to live according to natural laws to experience a natural, vital state of health.Our interests and studies of all natural sciences offer particular benefit to women who guide them in selection of the courses of action in personal care and self discipline as well as in caring for the welfare of families. Many of Sally Wilson's articles are written to inform and encourage women.
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