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Friday, August 8, 2008

Understanding the True Nature of Pancreatic Cancer

The Pancreatic Cancer Action Network says that pancreatic cancer is the deadliest kind of cancer with a five-year survival rate of 5%. Less than 10% of people with pancreatic cancer are diagnosed before the tumors spread to other organs.

According to the American Cancer Society, "80% of [pancreatic cancer] patients are diagnosed too late to be helped by surgery. Of those that may be helped by surgery, fewer than 40% are cured." If surgery is an option, the typical survival rate is only 18 to 20 months.

In the article "The Contribution of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy to 5-year Survival in Adult Malignancies," the pancreatic cancer drug gemcitabine (Gemzarâ ) was reported to increase survival by only 5.4 months. It only stopped pancreatic cancer's progression for an average of 2.2 months. Overall, the study found that cytotoxic (or cell killing) chemo contributed about 2% to one's overall chance of survival.

With all this disheartening news, what can someone with pancreatic cancer do to fight this purported death sentence?

I ask you to think back on all the different things you've tried in your life to get rid of the hiccups. You've probably held your breath, stood on your head, drank water through a straw, put your head between your knees--even tried two of these methods at once. If you've ever considered the possibility that hiccups could be "scared" away by having someone sneak up behind you, then considering some pancreatic cancer treatments that are "outside of the box" shouldn't be a big leap!

Let's look to what some pioneering doctors can teach us about the true nature of cancer.

The founder of German New Medicine, Dr. Geerd Hamer, has conducted over 40,000 cancer case studies in the last 30 years. His German New Medicine regimen has a 95% cure rate. ("Cure" being defined by conventional medicine as surviving for 5 years after diagnosis.) In the last 10 years, German New Medicine has been tested and verified by physicians and medical associations around the world.

Dr. Hamer has found that cancer is not a disease state--it is a phase during some people's physical, mental, and emotional healing processes. He has also proven scientifically that cancer is not just some haywire proliferation of cells. In fact, Dr. Hamer's research has been so specific that he even determined that cancer of the pancreas was caused by "anxiety-anger conflicts with family members" as well as inheritances. Does this apply to you?

Another pioneering doctor, Dr. Arthur Janov, founder of Primal Therapy, says that cancer is caused by repressed feelings. "Repression cannot eliminate pain. It only puts us out of conscious contact with it so we don't feel the misery, but the damage goes on...The cells...become crazy. The same chronic repression welded to chronic pain that can make someone 'crazy' can possibly result in cancer."

Dr. Janov also says, "Active suffering may be a good antidote for cancer...It is not just pain that makes us sick; it is pain plus repression...All things being equal, the more you suffer consciously, the longer you will live..."

In his book Why You Get Sick and How You Get Well, Dr. Janov explains that the immune system is where the mind meets the body. He says that stress and poor psychological health alter cellular function. Things like criticism and neglect cause cells to malfunction, which lead to disease. None of this is ground-breaking as a number of other studies have arrived at the same conclusion.

Due to the painkillers our brains produce to protect us from trauma, the immune cells are forced to experience our emotional pain too. Additionally, the immune system must establish a knowingness of itself in order to detect what is a foreign invader in the body. Long-term emotional stress debilitates our immune cells' ability to recognize and fight invaders. This impairment of immune function leads not just to tumor growth but to bigger, more aggressive tumors.

The first step in beating pancreatic cancer is empowering yourself with knowledge of how cancer works, pondering the critical thinking of some field experts who are not apart of "the cancer industry," and learning to correct the imbalances in your body that have lead to pancreatic cancer. The Cancer Immunology Program at Australia's Cancer Centre has shown that the human immune system can stop the growth of tumors and cause them to become dormant.

This process has been called "equilibrium." During equilibrium, the body can, not just stop, but actually kill cancer cells. SurvivePancreaticCancer.Com, where you can watch helpful videos, read about conventional and alternative treatments for pancreatic cancer, read pancreatic cancer success stories, and learn every possible way to boost your immune system.
