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Friday, August 8, 2008

Alternative Treatments For Pancreatic Cancer

If you've just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, you may feel like you've just been giving a death sentence. If you are looking for alternative ways to fight the deadliest cancer, there are many, many available. There are a lot more options to cancer treatment than what the big-business cancer industry would have you believe.

Have you heard of German New Medicine? Primal Therapy? Gerson Therapy? Essiac? Oxygen Therapy? Coley's Toxins? The Emotional Freedom Technique? Did you know your body is capable of, not just stopping cancer, but killing cancer cells through a process called "equilibrium?"

I ask you to think back on all the different things you've tried in your life to get rid of the hiccups. You've probably held your breath, stood on your head, drank water through a straw, put your head between your knees--even tried two of these methods at once. If you've ever considered the possibility that hiccups could be "scared" away by having someone sneak up behind you, then considering some pancreatic cancer treatments that are "outside of the box" shouldn't be a big leap!

Each and every one of the methods listed above has been proven to halt cancer in a safe and effective way...unlike traditional toxic methods like chemotherapy and radiation.

Think back on all the things Americans have believed throughout history because commercials and corporations told them to...smoking, fluoride in our water, meat and dairy products, sugar substitutes, lobotomies and shock therapy, etc? Chemotherapy and radiation are no different.

Did you know Natural Health magazine reported that, "Fewer than one-fourth of doctors surveyed routinely ask their patients about their dietary habits"? Do you know what gives cancer the fuel it needs to grow? Sugar (as proven by Nobel prize-winning Dr. Otto Warburg in 1931). Has your oncologist told you to stop eating sugar and simple carbohydrates (which turn to sugar in the body)?
