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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Cancer - Alternatives That Turn the Tables

Beating Cancer, how can you possibly beat cancer when the treatments for it are killing good cells too? You actually have two battles; the physical and the mental. It seems everyone knows someone at sometime that has had a brush with this deadly killer. Is it stress or toxins in the environment that cause our cells to degenerate.

Here are some forms of cancer we know of:

* bladder cancer
* breast cancer
* carcinoid tumor
* colorectal cancer
* glioblastoma
* liver cancer
* non-small cell lung cancer (NSLC)
* chronic lymphocytic leukemia
* lymphoma (both Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's)
* melanoma
* multiple myeloma
* neuroblastoma
* ovarian cancer
* pancreatic cancer
* prostate cancer
* renal cell carcinoma
* throat cancer
* uterine cancer

That's quite a list and I'm sure there are more, but this will keep us busy. Understanding a few processes that your body goes through might provoke you to live a bit better so we can give it a go.

1. Sleep - your body is on a universal time clock and it repairs itself somewhere between midnight and 6 a.m..Over time if you can't or you don't give it time to repair what do you think will happen? Right, a run down or break down will occur. You will get sick or worse.
2. Immune system - evidence is mounting and it's being traced back to your immune system. Stress, toxins, poor eating habits and a slew of other elements are wearing down our immune systems. This is the main defense against many viruses and bacterial invaders. We are starving our troops.
3. Nutrition - the very thing that feeds our army which fights diseases is eluding us daily.

It's actually quite amazing with all the pressures, lack of nutrition that people are not sicker than they are.This is a testimonial to the adaptive nature of the human body, but these last several years we can see the armour cracking.

Drugs are trying to fill the gaps, but they are causing their own problems. When it comes to cancer and other illnesses we haven't listed are there options? I'm here to say yes. Why haven't the drug companies come forth with them and are they safe?

I'm afraid it all comes down to money over health. I don't think I'm shedding any mighty revelation, but that seems to be the truth. There is a drug that's been around for thirty years or so that has been quite effective with Cancer, MS and other debilitating deceases. The other benefit to this alternative is minimal to no side effects. When you see the cost compared to the current drugs on the market you will understand why drug companies are not interested in marketing this alternative.

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Campaign For Health Change

Campaign for health change today by using organic foods as your ultimate protector, because according to the American Cancer Society, cancer is probably the leading killer of us American's under the age of 85 years. It is causing about 25% of all deaths. The organic foods that we are preparing for our families is powerful medicine. When we eat a healthy diet of raw foods we are eating less fats and for sure the unhealthy fats in cooked and processed foods.

So let's reduce our risks of all kinds of cancers by eating less fats and increasing our fruits, raw vegetables, whole grains and our legumes. Do you realize that by just doing this simple change in our daily eating habits that we can reduce our risks of cancer by 30%? The nutrients and fibers in these foods can actually prevent and fight cancer at the cellular level.

Recommendations of eating at least five servings of raw fruits and raw vegetables a day, is a small price to pay for even dealing with one kind of cancer caused by improper nourishment of our bodies. Over-cooking of our foods, commercial processing and chemically spraying of our fruits and vegetables bring with it all kinds of health challenges. Our bodies can not tolerate being treated with these kinds of issues, as we develop all kinds of cancers, diseases and immune issues.

Every day we are attacked by free radicals which attempt to destroy our bodies defenses. We need to campaign for our health by setting up meal plans for our defense programs. We need antioxidants to do this with. Vitamin C is one of the number members for our defense system to protect the immune system and keep its defense prepared to block things attacking our digestive tracts. A great source to add to our diets might include 2 large carrots, is this too much to ask for when it comes to our health?

Fiber is also a great defense item to include as consuming a high-fiber diet is essential for reducing certain types of cancers. One of the kinds of cancers this helps prevent is colon cancer. One reason fiber is good for us is that it helps move things through our digestive tract easily and also increases the size of our stools and carry the harmful substances out of our bodies. Fiber can trap cancer-causing substances and since fiber isn't absorbed, it carries all of the harmful substances out with it. Raw fruits and raw vegetables have lots of fiber and so another huge reason to include them into our meals daily. Another great source of fiber are the legumes, which consist of kidney beans, chickpeas, and whole grains. Try including 6 to 11 servings of whole grains a day for more nutrition and to keep our immune systems protected against disease.

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