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Saturday, August 9, 2008

Oral Cancer Deaths on the Rise

Oral cancer is a killer. In the United States alone, there are over 22,000 cases every year and over 5,000 deaths yearly, according to the US National Cancer Institute.

The emergence of oral cancer does not happen overnight. The slow but sure process is common in people between the ages of 60 and 70 who have been smoking for years, drinking alcohol heavily, and have a family history of the disease. Betel nut chewing is another cause of oral cancer.

"Oral cancer is very common in tobacco-growing regions of the world. I have yet to see oral cancer in someone younger than 60. It's a slow process - and a slow death," said Dr. Alberto Calderon, an ENT specialist and diplomate of the Philippine Board of Otolaryngology.

The disease is not only confined to the mouth but may affect the tongue, buccal mucosa (inside of the checks for tobacco and betel nut chewers), gums, lips (for pipe smokers) and palate (roof of the mouth for inverted cigarette smokers). Symptoms include a small, pale lump or discolored thickening in any of these areas.

"The earliest symptom of oral cancer is leukoplakia, a thick white patch inside the mouth. Eventually, there is swelling, pain and inflammation. Ulcers and swollen lymph nodes under the jaw later form," Calderon explained.

Leukoplakia is the body's natural defense against the heat of smoking, ill-fitting dentures or a rough tooth. The patches arc not necessarily cancerous but may develop into cancer later. How does this happen?

"Tobacco- and betel nut are harsh substances. Whether they are inhaled or chewed, they are unnatural - not food or anything. Because of this, the body fries to defend itself from these substances by forming a protective layer on the affected areas in much the same way that a person with ill-fitting shoes develops calluses. In the course of defending itself by forming thick white patches in the mouth, some body cells go out of control and continue growing. That uncontrolled new growth emerges as cancer," Calderon revealed.

Early detection can save one from oral cancer. Unfortunately, most cases go unnoticed and delayed treatment often results in death.

"More than half of all mouth cancers are well advanced at the time of their detection. Often they spread into nearby lymph nodes of the neck. This requires treatment that is more extensive. The chance of a cure is diminished. Almost 25 percent of people with oral cancer die because of delayed discovery and treatment," said Dr. David E. Larson, editor-in-chief of the "Mayo Clinic Family Health Book."

How do you avoid this situation? First, Calderon said you should be aware of the signs of oral cancer and report these to a physician or dentist, particularly one who is an expert in oral medicine. A doctor who is familiar with oral diseases can easily diagnose the problem and take the necessary steps to save the patient.


Friday, August 8, 2008

Types of Thyroid Cancer

Thyroid is an organ which is present at the base of throat and produces number of hormones that help to control the heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature and weight of the body. It is a butterfly shaped gland and also known as Adam's apple. Even though it is a small organ it produces hormones to regulate the aspect of metabolism and used to burn the calories quickly. Sometimes small solids or fluid-filled lumps called as nodules may develop in your thyroid. Most common type of thyroid cancer can be removed by the treatment of surgery.

Most of the thyroid cancers are non-cancerous cancer. The thyroid cancer can be diagnosed by ultra sound or by surgical removal and subsequent histological examination. The thyroid cancer can be removed by surgical treatment. As the thyroid cancer take up iodine or radioactive iodine, it is commonly used to treat thyroid carcinoma.

There are two types of thyroid cancer they are benign and malignant cancer. Benign cancer is a non cancerous tumor. The cells of benign do not spread to the other part of the body and they are not usually a threat of life. More than 90 percent of them are affected by benign. The malignant are the tumor which contains the cancer cells. The cancer cells of malignant thyroid tumor will spread to the other part of body and affect them. They are more serious and sometimes that are life threatening. The cancer cells of malignant will break away and enter into the blood streams through lymph and thus the cancer spreads and forms a new tumor in other organs and it is called as metastasis.

Types of Thyroid Cancer

The other types of thyroid cancer are papillary cancer, Follicular cancer, medullary thyroid cancer and Ana plastic cancer.

Papillary Cancer

The papillary is the most common type of thyroid cancer. Out of 10 about 6 of them are diagnosed by thyroid cancer. It is the most common type of disease among women and it mostly affects the younger people and sometimes it may spread to the neck and lymph of the body. Mostly it tends to grow slowly and if it is detected in the earlier stage it can be treated.

Follicular Cancer

It is most often diagnosed in young and middle aged people. About 15 percent of thyroid cancers are this type. This type of cancer may spread to the other part such as bone and lymph.

Medullary Cancer

About 5 to 10 percent of thyroid cancer is medullary cancer. It can be treated easily if it has been found in earlier stage. It arises only from C cell and not from the follicular cell.

Ana Plastic Cancer

This type of cancer affect only one or two percent of people. It arises in the follicular cell and it is difficult to recognize.


How Can Your Prevent and Treat Your Oral Cancer?

In oral cancer, the cancer cells or tissues present within oral cavity of the mouth. Oral cancer includes the parts such as cheek, lip, gum, salivary gland and floor of the mouth. This type of cancer will affect only the people more than 45 years, but it can get developed at any stage. Most of the oral cancer includes the throat, tongue and floor of the mouth. Throat cancer includes the part behind your mouth. A person who is affected by oral cancer may have great health risks if he is a male or above 40 years old.

The American research center says that nearly 30,000 people are affected by oral and throat cancer in United States per year. According to the recent estimation from America about 7,000 people die because of throat and oral cancer. Oral cancer may originate from any part of the mouth as a primary lesion and may be varied in types. They look very smaller in microscope and are malignant. They can spread easily to the other parts. If the oral cancer is detected in the earlier stage it is successfully curable, but it is very difficult to identify because in the early stage it does not have any pain but only toothache.

Symptoms for Oral Cancer

Following are the some of the common symptoms of the oral cancer:

You can experience bleeding in gums and red or white patches on the gums. A lump found on the lips, floor of the mouth, at the side of the cheeks. Feeling difficult to chew or swallow. Having Continuous toothache and loosing teeth. Bad breath and difficult to open the jaws. A lump on your neck. A sore present in your mouth or tongue which does not heal quickly.

Factors for Oral Cancer

Tobacco is the major factor responsible for oral and throat cancer. A person who drinks alcohol will be affected by oral cancer mostly than the non-drinking persons. Smoking cigarettes, pipes, chewing tobacco leaves, using snuff powder will lead to oral cancer. The person who has regular head ache may also be affected. Family background is also another reason. High exposure of ultraviolet rays on the lips is also one of the factors. Among 3 any 1 person will be affected by oral cancer due to UV rays.


Stop smoking and have a regular dentist checkup twice a year. Avoid chewing gums and tobacco leaves. Use sun screen balms on your lips and sunscreen lotions on your body to protect yourself from UV rays. Do self-examination for your tongue, teeth and throat. Have a rich nutritious food.

Treatments for Oral Cancer

Surgery, radiation and chemotherapy are the major treatments for removing tumor cells or tissues. Surgery depends on the size and location of the tumor and it can be removed easily without any damage. Radiation therapy uses x-rays to kill the tumor cells and it can be used during surgery for destroying small tumors. In chemotherapy the drugs are used to kill the cancer cells. You can stimulate drugs either through veins or orally. The type of drug depends on the size and location of the tumor. If the tumor cell is larger it can be treated with the combination of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.


Alternative Treatments For Pancreatic Cancer

If you've just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, you may feel like you've just been giving a death sentence. If you are looking for alternative ways to fight the deadliest cancer, there are many, many available. There are a lot more options to cancer treatment than what the big-business cancer industry would have you believe.

Have you heard of German New Medicine? Primal Therapy? Gerson Therapy? Essiac? Oxygen Therapy? Coley's Toxins? The Emotional Freedom Technique? Did you know your body is capable of, not just stopping cancer, but killing cancer cells through a process called "equilibrium?"

I ask you to think back on all the different things you've tried in your life to get rid of the hiccups. You've probably held your breath, stood on your head, drank water through a straw, put your head between your knees--even tried two of these methods at once. If you've ever considered the possibility that hiccups could be "scared" away by having someone sneak up behind you, then considering some pancreatic cancer treatments that are "outside of the box" shouldn't be a big leap!

Each and every one of the methods listed above has been proven to halt cancer in a safe and effective way...unlike traditional toxic methods like chemotherapy and radiation.

Think back on all the things Americans have believed throughout history because commercials and corporations told them to...smoking, fluoride in our water, meat and dairy products, sugar substitutes, lobotomies and shock therapy, etc? Chemotherapy and radiation are no different.

Did you know Natural Health magazine reported that, "Fewer than one-fourth of doctors surveyed routinely ask their patients about their dietary habits"? Do you know what gives cancer the fuel it needs to grow? Sugar (as proven by Nobel prize-winning Dr. Otto Warburg in 1931). Has your oncologist told you to stop eating sugar and simple carbohydrates (which turn to sugar in the body)?


Understanding the True Nature of Pancreatic Cancer

The Pancreatic Cancer Action Network says that pancreatic cancer is the deadliest kind of cancer with a five-year survival rate of 5%. Less than 10% of people with pancreatic cancer are diagnosed before the tumors spread to other organs.

According to the American Cancer Society, "80% of [pancreatic cancer] patients are diagnosed too late to be helped by surgery. Of those that may be helped by surgery, fewer than 40% are cured." If surgery is an option, the typical survival rate is only 18 to 20 months.

In the article "The Contribution of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy to 5-year Survival in Adult Malignancies," the pancreatic cancer drug gemcitabine (Gemzarâ ) was reported to increase survival by only 5.4 months. It only stopped pancreatic cancer's progression for an average of 2.2 months. Overall, the study found that cytotoxic (or cell killing) chemo contributed about 2% to one's overall chance of survival.

With all this disheartening news, what can someone with pancreatic cancer do to fight this purported death sentence?

I ask you to think back on all the different things you've tried in your life to get rid of the hiccups. You've probably held your breath, stood on your head, drank water through a straw, put your head between your knees--even tried two of these methods at once. If you've ever considered the possibility that hiccups could be "scared" away by having someone sneak up behind you, then considering some pancreatic cancer treatments that are "outside of the box" shouldn't be a big leap!

Let's look to what some pioneering doctors can teach us about the true nature of cancer.

The founder of German New Medicine, Dr. Geerd Hamer, has conducted over 40,000 cancer case studies in the last 30 years. His German New Medicine regimen has a 95% cure rate. ("Cure" being defined by conventional medicine as surviving for 5 years after diagnosis.) In the last 10 years, German New Medicine has been tested and verified by physicians and medical associations around the world.

Dr. Hamer has found that cancer is not a disease state--it is a phase during some people's physical, mental, and emotional healing processes. He has also proven scientifically that cancer is not just some haywire proliferation of cells. In fact, Dr. Hamer's research has been so specific that he even determined that cancer of the pancreas was caused by "anxiety-anger conflicts with family members" as well as inheritances. Does this apply to you?

Another pioneering doctor, Dr. Arthur Janov, founder of Primal Therapy, says that cancer is caused by repressed feelings. "Repression cannot eliminate pain. It only puts us out of conscious contact with it so we don't feel the misery, but the damage goes on...The cells...become crazy. The same chronic repression welded to chronic pain that can make someone 'crazy' can possibly result in cancer."

Dr. Janov also says, "Active suffering may be a good antidote for cancer...It is not just pain that makes us sick; it is pain plus repression...All things being equal, the more you suffer consciously, the longer you will live..."

In his book Why You Get Sick and How You Get Well, Dr. Janov explains that the immune system is where the mind meets the body. He says that stress and poor psychological health alter cellular function. Things like criticism and neglect cause cells to malfunction, which lead to disease. None of this is ground-breaking as a number of other studies have arrived at the same conclusion.

Due to the painkillers our brains produce to protect us from trauma, the immune cells are forced to experience our emotional pain too. Additionally, the immune system must establish a knowingness of itself in order to detect what is a foreign invader in the body. Long-term emotional stress debilitates our immune cells' ability to recognize and fight invaders. This impairment of immune function leads not just to tumor growth but to bigger, more aggressive tumors.

The first step in beating pancreatic cancer is empowering yourself with knowledge of how cancer works, pondering the critical thinking of some field experts who are not apart of "the cancer industry," and learning to correct the imbalances in your body that have lead to pancreatic cancer. The Cancer Immunology Program at Australia's Cancer Centre has shown that the human immune system can stop the growth of tumors and cause them to become dormant.

This process has been called "equilibrium." During equilibrium, the body can, not just stop, but actually kill cancer cells. SurvivePancreaticCancer.Com, where you can watch helpful videos, read about conventional and alternative treatments for pancreatic cancer, read pancreatic cancer success stories, and learn every possible way to boost your immune system.


Cancer Survivors - Dysbiosis is Your Major Obstacle to Cure

Dysbiosis is an imbalance of intestinal micro flora, with a decrease in normal healthy flora and an increase in pathogenic micro flora.

Dysbiosis can result from antibiotic therapy, gastrointestinal tract infections or diarrhoea, surgery involving the intestinal tract, starvation, general illness, stress or a poor diet.

The common yeast Candida Albicans is present in every individual. Normally, the yeast lives harmlessly in the gastrointestinal tract. However, occasionally the yeast will overgrow and lead to significant disease. Candida overgrowth is believed to cause a wide variety of symptoms as part of a complex medical syndrome. ( the yeast syndrome or chronic candidiasis.) The major body systems most sensitive to the yeast are the gastrointestinal, genitourinary, endocrine, nervous and immune systems

Allergies have also been attributed to Candida overgrowth, but the worst symptom is malabsorption, which leads to decreased nutrient absorption in the blood(necessary for healing) and increased toxicity levels.

When dysbiosis is present in one's intestinal tract it leads to :

1. Malabsorption, therefore interfering with the normal absorption of nutrients and elimination of toxins and
2. Diminished immune system power by lacking of important nutrients and destroying the first defence barrier of the intestinal tract.

The successful treatment of chronic candidiasis involves reducing predisposing factors to Candida overgrowth.: decreased digestive secretions, diet, impaired immunity, nutrient deficiency, drugs, impaired liver function and underlying disease states.

One way and safe way to address dysbiosis is by paying attention to diet: all foods feeding the yeast and the parasites should be reduced/eliminated as much as possible; these foods happen to be prevalent in our western diet, therefore this task might not be as easily reachable as thought: all foods containing refined sugar, yeast, dairy and mold-forming(mushrooms, peanuts). This is a good start, which can be followed by supplementary reading and education in this respect; there are numerous educational aids available nowadays to help you get dysbiosis under control and speed up your natural recovery.

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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Natural Cancer Treatment Vs Conventional Cancer Treatment

During anti cancer treatment (Conventional cancer treatment), it is difficult to protect the healthy cells of side effects caused by the drugs administered. Although the effects of treatment vary according to each patient and the medications used, all cancer patients suffer adverse effects of treatment that affect their skin, look and internal organs. An important part of the work of clinicians and patients is to precisely manage those potential side effects. The role of this article is to summarize the main side effects caused by different types of conventional cancer treatments and potential natural treatment (including nutrition, remedies and immunotherapy). Let's start with the conventional methods.

There are four (4) types of anti cancer treatment:

Surgery - Surgery, the oldest form of cancer treatment, is used in cancer treatment either to remove only the tumor, or the entire organ. Cancer surgery offers the greatest chance for cure of cancers that have not spread to other parts of the body. However, no matter how successful a surgery can be, it provokes one or all the following side effects:
- Risk of wound infection
- Damage to internal organs and blood vessels during surgery
- Blood clots can form in the deep veins of the legs after surgery, especially if a person remains in bed for a long time
- Reactions to anesthesia or other medicines. Although rare, these can be serious because they can cause dangerously low blood pressures.
- Problems with other organs, such as the lungs, heart, or kidneys. These are very rare but can happen and can be life-threatening.

Radiotherapy - Radiation therapy is the use of ionizing radiation to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. It can be administered externally (external beam radiotherapy) or internally (brachytherapy). Unfortunately, radiation can cause severe blood changes including drop in production of new blood cells, nausea, anemia and vomiting. Other short/long-term side effects of radiotherapy may include:

- Irritation and burning of the skin
- Infertility - radiation to the testicles can cause permanent loss of sperm production
- Fatigue is a common effect of radiation. It may be linked to anemia or weakened immune system
- Brain disorder - radiation therapy to the brain can cause changes in brain function that can lead to memory loss, lower sexual desire, etc.
- Skin disorder - radiation therapy can make your skin become tender or sensitive. The skin may also become dry and itchy. Peeling of the skin may occur.
- Second cancers - the radiation itself can cause Second cancers (metastases)
- Erectile dysfunction - radiation therapy to the pelvis can damage the arteries and nerves that supply the penis and cause problems with erections

Chemotherapy - Chemotherapy is a systemic treatment, its effects affect both healthy cells as cancer cells. Generally, these effects depend to a large proportion of drugs prescribed and their dosage. The anti-cancer drugs quickly affect cell division. This means that the white blood cells, which fight against infection, are also affected.

This combination of factors explains why patients are more prone to infections and fatigue or even anemia during cancer treatment. Similarly, this change of cell division causes hair loss or alopecia. Intestinal disorders such as diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, and finally lesions in the mouth (mucositis) can be observed.

Hormonotherapy - Side effects caused by hormonotherapy depend largely on the type of treatment used and prescribed medicines. One of the drugs in hormonotherapy is called Tamoxifen: it has the effect of depriving cancer cells of estrogen. The Tamoxifen can cause hot flashes, irritation or vaginal discharge, nausea and irregular menstruation.

During and after cancer treatment (conventional treatment)

Here are some advices that can help: Keep your diet low in saturated fats. Use mostly unsaturated fats such as fish oil and flax seed oil which are rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Eat fruits and raw vegetables abundantly; fruits and cruciferous vegetables reduce the risk of all types of cancers and their reoccurrences. Increase your intake of calcium; High intake of calcium reduces the risk of certain type of cancers. Maintain a normal weight; too much body fat is associated with a great number of diseases. Eat foods rich in antioxidant nutrients. Do not smoke! Cigarette smoke, including second hand smoke, is the number one cause of lung cancer. Exercise regularly and keep your body hydrated by drinking a lot of fluids daily; Silver water is necessary. Increase your fiber consumption; It is proven in several researches high fiber lower the chances of having colorectal cancers. Reduce stress, anxiety and depression by laughing, praying and singing; prayer is key to opening the door of impossibility.

Natural cancer treatment

Alternative cancer treatment is the use of herbal remedies to address the causes of the cancer (not just the symptoms) and boost the immune system to fight against pathogens and help the body heal itself. Taken regularly, certain natural herbal remedies may help to maintain the healthy functioning of every cell in your body and strengthen the immune system to ensure continued health and vitality. As we all know, a healthy strong immune system is a key element in protecting the body against infection or diseases like cancer, as well as in the promotion of recovery after illness and during cancer treatment.
Our cancer remedies do that and more. As such the strong tonic effect of the ingredients in our natural cancer remedies, they are of great benefit in maintaining systemic as well as cellular health.

Radiation Skin Care to Make You Look Good During & After Cancer Treatment

Chemotherapy and radiotherapy (radiation) can change the pigmentation of the skin, its color and freshness. The most common reactions occur gradually dry skin, itching skin, acne, skin breaks out in a rash or hives, hypersensitivity to sunlight. Finally, rings may appear under your eyes. These skin problems are common side effects of chemotherapy and radiation. They occur when treatment affects both cancer cells and normal cells.

Feeling good about yourself

Undergoing cancer treatment can change your look, which in return provokes a low self-esteem. To feel better, both physically and emotionally, being a cancer patient, you need effective skin care products to address your specific needs. These products must be designed to enable you to keep your freshness despite the cancer and its treatment. Indeed, retaining a good physical appearance can help you to maintain your morale and confidence.

How can our radiation skin care, cancer skin care products help you?

Lindi Skin care products combine the latest medical information with innovative ingredients to formulate superior, safe products for people undergoing cancer treatment. While many skin care products abound, they are not made for people with chemotherapy or radiation related skin issues. As they may cause nausea due to scent, irritation, and even inflammation. The main role of Lindi skin care product is to reverse the external effects of the cancer treatment on your skin, nails, hair and face. The idea is first to preserve your image. Thanks to our products, treating cancer and its side effects on your appearance is possible. These natural products, made especially for people undergoing chemotherapy, allowing you both to retain an image vis-à-vis yourself and vis-à-vis others.

Facial care

First, keep in mind that you don't have to look awful during and after cancer treatment. That can affect your confidence. You must keep your skin clean, by removing makeup, dander and impurities. We have a variety of products for all your special needs. For your face, use our natural Face Wash followed by our Lindi Face Moisturizer application. Hydration of the skin is essential during radiotherapy and chemotherapy; use a moisturizer adapts to your skin type to keep your skin moist and soft. For your eyes, remove the make up with our special makeup remover is necessary before going to bed.

To better manage these side effects, along with our products, please try the tips below:
* Moisturize your skin while it is still damp
* Protect your skin from chemical irritants and heat
* Drink at least seven (7) glasses of water every day
* Take special care around your eyes, and on your lips
* For acne, use a non-irritant natural lotion or soap
* Apply special cream and lotion to keep your skin moist
* Drink a lot of carrot juice daily - it is great for your blood and skin health
* using makeup will also help you to hide these small transient imperfections
* Protect your skin from irritation and cuts by using an electric razor when shaving
* For dry skin, use a lotion containing lanolin. Avoid hot water; it removes your natural skin oil
* Avoid prolonged exposition to the sun. Even if you have dark skin, you need to protect yourself from the sun during chemotherapy and radiation

Curing Cancer With Herbal Remedies

Cancer is a class of diseases in which a group of cells display the traits of uncontrolled growth (growth and division beyond the normal limits), invasion (intrusion on and destruction of adjacent tissues), and sometimes metastasis (spread to other locations in the body via lymph or blood). These three malignant properties of cancers differentiate them from benign tumors, which are self-limited, do not invade or metastasize. Most cancers form a tumor but some, like leukemia, do not.

Curing cancer with herbal remedies - a case for shamans and herb women? Not at all, for many chemotherapies to fight cancer applied in modern medicine are natural products or were developed on the basis of natural substances. Thus, taxanes used in prostate and breast cancer treatment are made from yew trees. The popular periwinkle plant, which grows along the ground of many front yards, is the source of vinca alkaloids that are effective, for example, against malignant lymphomas. The modern anti-cancer drugs topotecan and irinotecan are derived from a constituent of the Chinese Happy Tree.

Camptotheca (happy tree) is a genus of medium-sized deciduous trees growing to 20 m tall, native to central China. They are usually included in the tupelo family Nyssaceae, but sometimes included (with the tupelos) in the dogwood family Cornaceae. Camptotheca is used to make Irinotecan, Topotecan, 9-Aminocamptothecin, and camptothecin-1 (CPT-1). There are two species: Camptotheca acuminata Decne. Camptotheca lowreyana S.Y.Li.

Looking for new compounds, doctors and scientists are increasingly focusing on substances from plants used in traditional medicine. About three quarters of the natural pharmaceutical compounds commonly used today are derived from plants of the traditional medicine of the people in various parts of the world. The chances of finding new substances with interesting working profiles in traditional medicinal plants are better than in common-or-garden botany.

In his search for active ingredients, Professor Dr. Thomas Efferth of the DKFZ has been concentrating on herbal remedies from traditional Chinese medicine with particularly well documented application range. Working together with colleagues in Mainz and Düsseldorf, Germany, Graz, Austria and Kunming in China, he launched a systematic compound search in 76 Chinese medicinal plants that are believed to be effective against malignant tumors and other growths. First results of this study have now been published.

"With this success rate of about 24 percent, we are way above the results that could be expected from searching through large chemical substance libraries," Thomas Efferth said.

The scientists proceeded to chemically separate, step by step, all active extracts, tracing the active component after each separation step by cell tests. The chemical structure of the compounds is analyzed using nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectroscopy. "We are combining natural substance research with advanced analytical and molecular-biological methods", Efferth explains. "Plant constituents that seem particularly promising are immediately subjected to further tests." Such constituents include, for example, substances derived from the Rangoon Creeper, an ornamental plant with red flowers, or from Red-Root Sage. The latter contains three ingredients with powerful anti-tumor activity. The substances were found to suppress the growth of a specific tumor cell line that is particularly resistant to many commonly used cytotoxins due to overproduction of a transport protein in the cell wall. In contrast, a whole range of standard anti-cancer drugs fail to be effective against this cell.

"We can expect to find many interesting, yet unknown working mechanisms among the chemically highly diverse natural substances. Currently, we are aligning the effectiveness of the substances on 60 different cancer cell lines with the gene activity profiles of these cells. Thus, we can determine the exact gene products that are the cellular targets of our compounds. Thereby, it may be possible to discover whole new Achilles' heels of the cancer cell," said Efferth describing the next steps.

Two Major Causes of Cancer Are Diet and Environmental Factors

If the body receives a cutting injury, cells know when to stop reproducing once they have "filled in" a cut. With cancer, one cell gets the idea to reproduce and begins doing so for no apparent reason. The cells that it reproduces form a hard lump. This is cancer. Often a cell from this lump, or tumor, will spread to another part of the body and begin reproduction there. hese cells are not receptive to the normal signal to stop.

Two major causes of cancer are diet and environmental factors, or carcinogens, such as heavy metals, pesticides, and chemicals, both of which can suppress immune system function. Stress is also a factor in the development of cancer as well as the exacerbation of cancer itself.

Poor oxygenation, which can result from inadequate exercise, stress, certain medications such as estrogen and cortisol, provides an environment in which cancer cells can grow. As long ago as 1966, Otto Warburg, a two-time Nobel Laureate, said that while cancer has many secondary causes, it has only one prime cause: lack of oxygen in the body's cells! Consequently, anything that increases oxygenation at the level of the cells can inhibit cancerous growth.

Recommendations for prevention and treatment

1. Reduce your stress levels. Find constructive solutions for emotions such as hate, anger, extreme sadness, and depression. Biofeedback can be helpful in controlling emotions. Great progress is being made in the area of non-cognitive biofeedback, a technology that recycles the body's heart variations as a means of treating dysfunctions of the autonomic nervous system or your body's unconscious control mechanisms.

2. If you are overweight...lose it. High body fat in obesity increases estrogen production, which increases cancer rates in both men and women.

3. If you smoke...stop! Reduce or eliminate your consumption of socially accepted poisons such as coffee and alcohol. Reduce your consumption of red meat. Avoid hydrogenated fats such as margarine and vegetable oil. Increase the fiber, such as raw fruits and vegetables, in your diet and exercise regularly.

4. Avoid excess iron supplements and "iron-fortified" foods. Increased iron levels suppress the cancer-killing function of macrophages, interferes with lymphocytes, and contribute to the development of leukemia and lymphoma. The body's iron accumulation tends to increase with age. Copper supplementation, such as in a multi-mineral complex, can antagonize the effect of excess iron. In addition, avoid unsaturated fatty acids, calcium supplements, and reduce your estrogen levels. These factors all increase iron absorption and accumulation.

5. Drink only purified water, preferably reverse osmosis or steam distilled. Avoid tap water, especially if it's fluoridated. Heavy elements such as chlorine and fluoride are known carcinogens.

6. Supplement with antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, E, Coenzyme Q10, Bioflavonoids, superoxide dismutase, and proteolytic enzymes; minerals such as zinc, magnesium, and selenium; and fresh, cold-pressed flax seed oil (which contains essential fatty acids) along with coconut oil (which is a medium-chain triglyceride that promotes metabolism and thyroid function). B-complex is necessary for normal cell division. Dimethyglycine, or DMG, germanium, and stabilized oxygen (such as Aerobic 07) improve oxygenation of the cells. All supplements should be from natural sources only.

7. Herbs such as pau d'arco, burdock root, red clover, and chaparral all have anti-cancer activity and are excellent additions to a cancer therapy program.

8. Homeopathics helpful in cancerous conditions include Conium Mac, Viscum Album, and Carcinosinum. The inherited weakness, known as a "miasm," should also be investigated. Viscum (a.k.a. Iscador) can be taken subcutaneously according to a specific protocol developed by homeopathic and anthropormophic physicians for the treatment of cancer.

9. Increase your concentration of oxygen at the level of the cells. Oxygen Multistep Therapy and Hyperbaric Oxygen are two medical treatments that can be use to accomplish this purpose.

10. Reduce your body burden level of heavy metals. (See "Chelation Therapy.") A recent study revealed that people who undergo Heavy Metal Detoxification Therapy have a 90% reduced risk of developing cancer. This seems to implicate a very strong association between exposure to environmental pollutants and cancer.

11. Take sublingual fermented lactobacillus 1-3 packet three times daily for immune stimulation.

12. Gentle skin detoxification through a medical spa with steam sauna, infrared sauna, and/or contrast shower will help eliminate body poisons without side effects.

In general, you should eat as close to nature as possible. Foods to which you are found to be sensitive should initially be eliminated from the diet for at least six weeks. Once reintroduced, foods should ideally be rotated every four days. Interestingly, we often tend to be allergic to the foods we either eat the most often or rarely at all. In other words, variety in our diet may be the spice of food allergy prevention.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Two Major Causes of Cancer Are Diet and Environmental Factors

If the body receives a cutting injury, cells know when to stop reproducing once they have "filled in" a cut. With cancer, one cell gets the idea to reproduce and begins doing so for no apparent reason. The cells that it reproduces form a hard lump. This is cancer. Often a cell from this lump, or tumor, will spread to another part of the body and begin reproduction there. hese cells are not receptive to the normal signal to stop.

Two major causes of cancer are diet and environmental factors, or carcinogens, such as heavy metals, pesticides, and chemicals, both of which can suppress immune system function. Stress is also a factor in the development of cancer as well as the exacerbation of cancer itself.

Poor oxygenation, which can result from inadequate exercise, stress, certain medications such as estrogen and cortisol, provides an environment in which cancer cells can grow. As long ago as 1966, Otto Warburg, a two-time Nobel Laureate, said that while cancer has many secondary causes, it has only one prime cause: lack of oxygen in the body's cells! Consequently, anything that increases oxygenation at the level of the cells can inhibit cancerous growth.

Recommendations for prevention and treatment

1. Reduce your stress levels. Find constructive solutions for emotions such as hate, anger, extreme sadness, and depression. Biofeedback can be helpful in controlling emotions. Great progress is being made in the area of non-cognitive biofeedback, a technology that recycles the body's heart variations as a means of treating dysfunctions of the autonomic nervous system or your body's unconscious control mechanisms.

2. If you are overweight...lose it. High body fat in obesity increases estrogen production, which increases cancer rates in both men and women.

3. If you smoke...stop! Reduce or eliminate your consumption of socially accepted poisons such as coffee and alcohol. Reduce your consumption of red meat. Avoid hydrogenated fats such as margarine and vegetable oil. Increase the fiber, such as raw fruits and vegetables, in your diet and exercise regularly.

4. Avoid excess iron supplements and "iron-fortified" foods. Increased iron levels suppress the cancer-killing function of macrophages, interferes with lymphocytes, and contribute to the development of leukemia and lymphoma. The body's iron accumulation tends to increase with age. Copper supplementation, such as in a multi-mineral complex, can antagonize the effect of excess iron. In addition, avoid unsaturated fatty acids, calcium supplements, and reduce your estrogen levels. These factors all increase iron absorption and accumulation.

5. Drink only purified water, preferably reverse osmosis or steam distilled. Avoid tap water, especially if it's fluoridated. Heavy elements such as chlorine and fluoride are known carcinogens.

6. Supplement with antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, E, Coenzyme Q10, Bioflavonoids, superoxide dismutase, and proteolytic enzymes; minerals such as zinc, magnesium, and selenium; and fresh, cold-pressed flax seed oil (which contains essential fatty acids) along with coconut oil (which is a medium-chain triglyceride that promotes metabolism and thyroid function). B-complex is necessary for normal cell division. Dimethyglycine, or DMG, germanium, and stabilized oxygen (such as Aerobic 07) improve oxygenation of the cells. All supplements should be from natural sources only.

7. Herbs such as pau d'arco, burdock root, red clover, and chaparral all have anti-cancer activity and are excellent additions to a cancer therapy program.

8. Homeopathics helpful in cancerous conditions include Conium Mac, Viscum Album, and Carcinosinum. The inherited weakness, known as a "miasm," should also be investigated. Viscum (a.k.a. Iscador) can be taken subcutaneously according to a specific protocol developed by homeopathic and anthropormophic physicians for the treatment of cancer.

9. Increase your concentration of oxygen at the level of the cells. Oxygen Multistep Therapy and Hyperbaric Oxygen are two medical treatments that can be use to accomplish this purpose.

10. Reduce your body burden level of heavy metals. (See "Chelation Therapy.") A recent study revealed that people who undergo Heavy Metal Detoxification Therapy have a 90% reduced risk of developing cancer. This seems to implicate a very strong association between exposure to environmental pollutants and cancer.

11. Take sublingual fermented lactobacillus 1-3 packet three times daily for immune stimulation.

12. Gentle skin detoxification through a medical spa with steam sauna, infrared sauna, and/or contrast shower will help eliminate body poisons without side effects.

In general, you should eat as close to nature as possible. Foods to which you are found to be sensitive should initially be eliminated from the diet for at least six weeks. Once reintroduced, foods should ideally be rotated every four days. Interestingly, we often tend to be allergic to the foods we either eat the most often or rarely at all. In other words, variety in our diet may be the spice of food allergy prevention.


Ten Ways on How to Avoid Cancer

The tips are very simple and they are habits which everyone can easily fit into their daily routines. Try to keep to these guidelines.

1. What times you eat. Always stick to your same times when eating, it could be 3 or even 5 times a day.

2. Try to avoid fatty foods. Try avoid eating fatty products, salad and fruits are the alternative. Always read what you food contains.

3. Get into a walking habit. Try to Walk at least 10,000 steps every day. Try monitor this, you can break up your walking over the day.

4. Snack up healthy. People like taking on a snack, try avoiding chocolates and choose a fruit instead.

5. Check the labels. Always check the fat and sugar content on food labels when shopping and preparing food.

6. How much do you eat. Try not to eat the whole bowl i.e a lot of food at one time. Breaking down what you eat at what time can be a good way to work your diet.

7. Move about. Try not to sit in front of a computer all the time. Stand up for ten minutes out of every hour.

8. Drink the right thing. Water is the best option for fluid or sugar-free squashes. Alcohol is high in calories; try to limit the amount you drink and fizzy drinks as we know are bad.

9. Think exactly what you will eat. Try take your time when eating your meals. Don't eat on the go or while watching TV. Always make time for your meals, don't rush.

10. Fruits 5 a day. Make sure you eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day (400g in total). Eating fruit can be one of the best foods to eat when hungry.

The Complete Guide to Survival - I Live On, and I Want You to Live Too!

What do you want to know? Why? Survival tips are necessary.

The fact is after the thorough diagnosis, you will feel very depressed. LIFE, seem to slip away as time passes.

So, do not let cancer steal your dreams! Think of survival!

You want to try something effective, something you want, then it has become more than a desire now.

Me, I can talk to you.

The simplicity of such a problem; is an illness, which people have the "fatal" perception about it. CANCER, is not equals DEATH.

I survived cancer myself, and I always tell my peers, do not ever think of giving up.

Easier said than done, BUT, I DID IT

Yes, YOU can cry, YOU can curse, but, the problem here is bigger than anything. THIS IS CONCERNING YOUR LIFE!

Submit to fate?

Submission is not the way to live. Making your stand is the start of a survival process.

For me, I want YOU , to dry your tears and prepare to cope with this painful; yet honorable cause.

YOU set the limitations in your life.

YOU will step out of your comfort zone, and push YOURSELF beyond YOUR limits.

YOU shall achieve the objective that is in your mind.

Set all negativity aside, go for the tedious, tiring and miserable therapies and endure the seemingly impossible.

Remember, impossible feats are also set, by YOU. Your mind, your negative thoughts.

I Believe in Life, Not Death

People, who know about my ordeal, marvel at my survival process. But, they do not feel much; as they are not the ones trying to help YOU.

YOU want to surpass the expectations of a patient. Survive CANCER!

YOU are not sick, you just have to spend more time working on the issue.

I am a cancer survivor who achieved in an awkward way and lived on. I write articles to inspire others and help them to overcome challenges in life.

Sincerely, I wish everyone well.

I've Got A What? - A Brain Tumor!

Being diagnosed with a brain tumor is a nightmare and it turns your world upside down.

I luckily had very little time between being diagnosed with my benign meningioma and it being surgically removed but the time I did have was spent frantically trawling the internet trying to find some answers to my questions of why, how and what do I do next. I managed to find medical papers on the subject but as I don't have a degree in medicine was at a loss to understand them. I found plenty of Brain Tumor Forums where I managed to scare myself stupid because I could not find any stories with a positive outcome to offer me some encouragement and believe me, I needed it. It would appear that the survivors out there must be so happy to be alive after their ordeals that they are too busy living life to put pen to paper and tell their stories.

My very happy world was hit by a thunderbolt on the 14th July when I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. I had a brain tumor; I had it surgically removed on 19th July.

I was probably luckier than most with regard to the position of my meningioma tumor, I had a fabulous doctor with insight and I had a top rate neurosurgeon on my side. I also had the will and determination to overcome this hiccup in my life.

I have had very little sickness in my life and have never been in hospital for any reason. You have it right, I have my tonsils and my appendix and I have never broken a bone in my body or had a baby. Remarkable isn't it that I escape a hospital visit for 48 years? But, boy, when I do it, I do it big style!

After waking up one morning in Mid June, I stretched and my lower leg started to kick involuntarily at about one second intervals. Just to make sure you have the picture correct, I don't mean a kick that would score a winning goal, more of a gentle flick as if trying to get the sand out of your toes. I grabbed my leg, pulled it back to try and stop it, got up out of bed and stood on it but that didn't work either. It was a little scary - who likes to be out of control? Certainly not me!

I thought I may have trapped a nerve in my back. Why I thought that, I don't know. I have no medical training. It just seemed like a plausible explanation to me at the time. Because of this self diagnosis, I decided to put the incident on hold and see if it happened again. Well, guess what? It took a few weeks, but yes, it did happen again. Just as before and I am ashamed to say that I let it happen twice more before visiting the doctor.

The whole point of this tale is that brain tumor symptoms come in all guises depending on their position and what part of the brain they are affecting. My brain tumor was positioned on the top of my head on the right hand side and due to its growth was fighting for space and restricting the nerves on the left hand side of my body, namely my leg.

Listen to your own body because if something out of the ordinary is happening there is a reason.

I am happy to report that I came through this ordeal with flying colours feeling no pain whatsoever. I now have a very good tale to tell at parties, my scar is completely hidden and when people around me are whining about small details I can usually bring about a sense of proportion by asking them on a scale of 1-10 how it compares to brain surgery.
A meningioma is a tumor of the meninges, which are the protective membranes around the brain and spinal cord. Malignant meningiomas are extremely rare. Most meningiomas are found to be benign, make up nearly 1 in 5 of all primary brain tumors and are more common in women than men. As with most brain tumors, the cause of a meningioma is unknown and research is being carried out into possible causes.

Kidney Cancer - Wilms Tumor and Other Childhood Types

Primary kidney cancer is a malignant tumor that develops in the kidney. There are two major forms of primary kidney tumors, renal-cortical tumors and transitional cell tumors.

Renal-cortical tumors represent almost 90 percent of all kidney tumors. Transitional cell tumors of the kidneys and ureters are alike to bladder tumors. Kidney cancer hardly ever hits children and young adults; the exemption is a pediatric kidney cancer identified as Wilms' tumor.

Wilms tumor and other kidney tumors are diseases in which malignant (cancer) cells are located in the kidney. In Wilms tumor, one or more tumors can be discovered in one or both kidneys. Wilms tumor is the most general type of childhood kidney cancer. It is unlike from adult kidney cancer and needs dissimilar treatment. Wilms' tumor typically has no symptoms, and doctors are expected to find out this condition when investigating a child's abdomen.

Clear cell sarcoma of the kidney, rhabdoid tumor of the kidney, neuroepithelial tumor of the kidney, renal cell cancer (RCC), and mesoblastic nephroma are childhood kidney tumors as well, but they are not connected to Wilms tumor.

Clear cell sarcoma of the kidney is a type of kidney tumor that can extend to the lung, bone, brain, and soft tissue. Rhabdoid tumor of the kidney is a type of cancer that comes about typically in children under age 2. It develops and extends rapidly, frequently to the lungs and brain. Neuroepithelial tumors of the kidney are uncommon and typically come about in young adults. They develop and extend rapidly. Renal cell carcinoma happens hardly ever in children. The tumor can extend to the lungs, bones, liver, and lymph nodes. Mesoblastic nephroma is a tumor of the kidney that is typically made a diagnosis in the first 3 months of life. It can be discovered throughout an ultrasound before birth too. Mesoblastic nephroma comes about more frequently in males than females.

Smoking, high-blood pressure, eating a high-fat diet, and obesity can all add to an increased risk of kidney tumors.

The choice of treatment for kidney cancer relies on the stage of the disease, that is, how large the tumor has developed, how severely it has attacked the kidney, and whether it has extended to close organs, lymph nodes, or other parts of the body.

Your doctor might have more detailed suggestions regarding how to best care for yourself before, for the period of and after treatment for kidney cancer.