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Saturday, April 4, 2009

Foods That Prevent Cancer - 3 Green Giants of the Food World

The foods that we put into our bodies on a daily basis, whether it is fast food, raw foods or organic foods, have an effect on us. For instance, did you know there are foods that prevent cancer? You read right, these same foods can also help prevent other chronic diseases as well. In this article we will explore 3 green giants in the food world that can help prevent disease.

1 - Broccoli

The first green giant of foods that prevent cancer is broccoli. According to an article by J. Cohen published by the National Cancer Institute in 1992, a researcher at Johns Hopkins University announced the discovery of a compound found in broccoli that prevented the further development of tumors by 60% in participants as well as reduced the size of existing tumors? by 75%. Broccoli also contains Vitamin C, Fiber, Calcium, Vitamin K, Beta-Carotene and much more, it is also a great source of iron for those that do not eat meat.

Broccoli also contains sulforaphane which scientific studies have shown to be effective against a specific bacterium that is a common cause of gastric ulcers and gastric cancer. Smokers under the age of 65 are encouraged to indulge in a cup of broccoli a day as studies have shown it to help battle colon cancer cells as well.

2 - Spinach

The second green giant of foods that prevent cancer is spinach. Spinach is a powerful food. It contains Vitamins C and E, Beta-Carotene, B vitamins, Calcium, iron and many more natural minerals and nutrients.

Spinach has been shown to help protect the eyes from age-related degeneration. Spinach, as well as other green vegetables, is high in potassium and low in sodium. Along with the mixture of plant-derived omega-3 fatty acids, fiber and other minerals, spinach is great for lowering your blood pressure.

3 - Wheatgrass

The second green giant and perhaps most powerful of foods that prevent cancer is wheatgrass. Wheat Grass is one of the most beneficial complete foods there is. It is very high in chlorophyll and provides natural detoxification. The chlorophyll found in a liquid ounce of wheat grass and other leafy greens not only cleanses and builds blood, but research now shows that it may also assist in offsetting the adverse effects of radiation. Wheatgrass is one molecule away from hemoglobin in the human blood so it is the closet we can come to a blood transfusion without actually getting a blood transfusion. Now that is a powerful food!

Wheatgrass is high in oxygen like all green plants as it contains chlorophyll. The brain and other tissue in the body function at an optimal level in a highly-oxygenated environment. Science has proven that chlorophyll stops growth and development of unfriendly bacteria and can assist in increasing low red cell count. It is so nutritionally condensed that 15 pounds of Wheat Grass is the equivalent of 350 pounds of carrot, lettuce, celery, and other juices.

The above 3 types of food are just a few of the green giants in foods that prevent cancer and there are many others. Remember, the foods -- good and bad - that we put into our bodies affect us. Make the right choice.

There are many contributing factors in the causes of cancer such as diet, lifestyle, stress, toxicity and more. Eating good amounts of the above is a great way to improve your overall health and immune system, but it is important that you look into the other factors as well.

Joyce O'Brien, 43, and Kevin O'Brien, 44, are cancer survivors and authors of, Being Cancer Free: It is the uplifting and inspirational journey of beating cancer.
Joyce had stage 4 breast cancer. Kevin had stage 3B malignant melanoma. They have both been cancer free for 8 years.

You can do the same. Looking for the best way to reverse cancer or prevent cancer? I have been too. Just click one of those links for more information.

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How to Control and Prevent Cancer

The basic approach to the control of cancer is through primary and secondary prevention. It is estimated that at least 90% of all cancers are preventable.

1. PRIMARY PREVENTION: Through advancing knowledge about the causes of some cancers, it is now possible to control these factors in the general population as well as in particular occupational groups. They include the following:

CONTROL OF TOBACCO AND ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION: Primary prevention helps to reduce the number of tobacco-related and alcohol related cancer deaths. It has been estimated that control of tobacco smoking alone would reduce the total burden of cancer by over a million cancers each year.

PERSONAL HYGIENE: Improvement in personal hygiene may help to reduce the incidence of certain types of cancer, e.g., cancer cervix.

RADIATION: special efforts should be made to reduce the amount of radiation received by each individual to a minimum without reducing the benefits.

OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURES: Industries should take measures to protect workers from carcinogens.

IMMUNIZATION: In case of primary liver cancer, immunization against hepatitis B virus presents an exciting prospect.

FOODS, DRUGS AND COSMETICS: These should be tested for carcinogens.

AIR POLLUTION: Control of air pollution is another preventive measure.

TREATMENT OF PRECANCEROUS LESIONS: Early detection and treatment of precancerous lesions such as cervical tears, intestinal polyposis, warts, chronic gastritis and adenoma is one of the cornerstones of cancer prevention.

LEGISLATION: Legislation also has a role in primary prevention, but most likely won't happen.

2. SECONDARY PREVENTION: Secondary prevention comprises the following measures:

CANCER REGISTRATION: It provides a base for assessing the magnitude of the problem and for planning the necessary services. Cancer registries are of two types: hospital based and population based.

EARLY DETECTION OF CASES: Cancer screening is the main weapon for early detection of cancer at a pre-invasive or pre-malignant stage. Efficiency of screening programs may be increased by focusing on high-risk groups.

TREATMENT: Certain forms of cancer are amenable to surgical removal, while some others respond favorably to radiation or chemotherapy or both. Multi-modality approach to cancer control has become a standard practice in cancer centers all over the world. Today in the developed countries, cancer treatment is geared to high technology. For those who are beyond the curable stage, the goal must be to provide pain relief.

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The Top 8 Causes of Cancer

Cancer has multiple causes.

ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: Environmental factors are generally thought to be responsible for 80% to 90% of all human cancers. The major environmental factors identified so far include:

TOBACCO: Tobacco in various forms of its usage (e.g., smoking, chewing) is the major environmental cause of cancers of the lung, larynx, mouth, pharynx, esophagus, bladder, pancreas and probably kidney. It has been estimated that, cigarette smoking is responsible for more than one million premature deaths each year.

ALCOHOL: Excessive intake of alcoholic beverage leads to esophageal and liver cancer. Beer consumption may be associated with rectal cancer.

DIETARY FACTORS: Smoked fish is related to stomach cancer, dietary fiber to intestinal cancer, beef consumption to bowel cancer, and a high fat diet to breast cancer. Food additives are also some causative agents.

OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURES: These include exposure to benzene, arsenic, vinyl chloride, asbestos, polycyclic hydrocarbons etc. (e)

VIRUSES: Hepatitis B and C virus is reported to be related to hepatocellular carcinoma. Human papilloma virus (HPV) is associated with cancer cervix.

HABITS AND LIFE STYLE: Habits and lifestyle of people may be associated with an increased risk of certain cancers. Some examples are the established association between smoking and lung cancer, betel chewing and oral cancer, etc. There are several other environmental factors such as sun light, radiation, air and water pollution, pesticides which can cause cancer.

GENETIC FACTORS: Genetic influences have long been suspected. For example, retinoblastoma occurs in the children of the same parent. The Mongol race is more likely to develop cancer (leukemia) than normal children. However, genetic factors are less conspicuous and more difficult to identify.

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