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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Cancer Facts For Senior Citizens

The chances of developing cancer increase as you age, so senior citizens are at especially high risk for developing the disease. Fortunately, the number of deaths due to cancer have been declining; survival rates for people with cancer are higher than ever.

Although many types of cancer exist, they all share a similar formation: cancer begins when certain cells become abnormal and replicate, causing a mass of tissue referred to as a "growth tumor." Growth of such a tumor can harm nearby organs and tissues, and cancer cells may migrate to other parts of the body-in other words, they can metastasize.

Early diagnosis allows for more effective treatment, because of this it is important that senior citizens get regular checkups. Early treatment can shrink or get rid of a tumor while stopping growth and spreading. Early detection, including knowing the early symptoms of cancer, can make a significant difference in the effectiveness of treatment.


Since so many types of cancer exist, it has many different symptoms. Still, it is important that senior citizens and those who provide elder care be able to recognize symptoms. Some to take note of are the following:

* A lump or thickening in the body, commonly in the breast
* The formation of a new mole or a change to an already existing one
* A sore that never heals completely
* Feeling hoarse or having a persistent cough
* Changes in bowel movements or urination
* Discomfort after meals
* Difficulty swallowing
* Changes in weight without a clear reason
* Unusual bleeding or discharge
* Weakness or fatigue

These symptoms are not usually do to cancer itself; they may arise from non-cancerous (benign) tumors or other problems. You should see your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms or notice other changes in your personal health.

Cancer does not normally cause pain in its early stages, so do not wait for pain as an indication. If possible, seek help before that point, and make sure to get regular tests for early detection.


Because of the nature of cancer and its treatment, it is important to have regular tests to detect cancer long before you feel its effects. Being checked for cancer when you feel no symptoms is called "screening," which may include a physical exam, lab tests, or other tests to check internal organs.

Your doctor may ask questions about your age, past medical problems, family history of medical problems, general health, and lifestyle before suggesting a screening test. It is a good idea to talk to your doctor about pros and cons of, as well as questions and concerns about each test before you agree to take it.

The following is a list of tests that screen for specific cancers in people over 50:

Breast cancer

* Clinical breast exam: In this test, a doctor or health care professional will check the breasts and underarms for lumps or other changes indicative of cancer. This type of cancer is more common in women, but men can also develop breast cancer.
* Mammogram: This is a special X-ray of the breast that is useful in identifying cancers that are too small to feel. Aging increases the likelihood of developing breast cancer, so women over 40 are encouraged to have a screening mammogram every 1 to 2 years.

Cervical cancer

* Pap test: A doctor gently scrapes cells from the cervix and vagina to be tested in a lab and identified as normal or abnormal. Women should have this kind of test at least once every 3 years. The cause of cervical cancer is the human papilloma virus, HPV, which can remain in the body for years.
* Pelvic exam: The uterus, vagina, ovaries, and rectum are examined to track changes in shape and size. The doctor uses a speculum to widen the vagina to allow access to the cervix and upper part of the vagina.

Colorectal cancer

* Fecal occult blood test: Stool samples are sent to a lab to determine whether it contains occult (hidden) blood, which can indicate cancer. Most cases of this type of cancer occur in senior citizens, so having this test every 1 to 2 years after the age of 50 is a good way to lower your chance of complications from colorectal cancer.
* Sigmoidoscopy: A thin, flexible tube with a light is used to search the lower part of the colon and rectum for growths and abnormalities. This should be done once every 5 years.
* Colonoscopy: This is similar to a sigmoidoscopy, but it includes an examination of the entire colon and should be done once every 10 years.

Mouth and throat cancers

* Oral exams: Doctors and dentists use these to identify cancer early by examining the lips, tongue, mouth, and throat to note any abnormal changes. Make sure to have regular dentist appointments for early detection.

Prostate cancer

* Digital rectal exam: The doctor places a gloved finger into the rectum to feel the prostate through the rectal wall. Hard or lumpy areas may indicate cancer. This type of cancer is the most common type in American men, especially in senior citizens.
* Prostate specific antigen (PSA) test: This measures the amount of PSA in the blood. A high amount means that prostate cancer cells or other prostate problems are present.

Skin cancer

* Skin exams: These are routine skin exams that can lead to early detection of skin cancer-the most common type of cancer in America. A screening that indicates a change or growth does not necessarily mean that cancer is present; a diagnosis may require further testing. The only method of truly identifying skin cancer is a biopsy, which involves looking at a small piece of tissue from the abnormal area underneath a microscope to check for cancer cells. If tests confirm that the abnormalities contain cancer cells, you should talk to your doctor about treatment options as soon as possible.


Many treatment options are available for people with cancer, including surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Biological therapy is becoming more common for certain types of cancer. Some types of biological therapy help the body use its natural defenses to kill cancerous cells, while others block processes that allow cancer cells to live and grow.

People with cancer often see a number of specialists, including a medical oncologist, who specializes in cancer treatment; a surgeon; a radiation oncologist, who specializes in radiation therapy; and others. Doctors may suggest using one treatment alone or a combination of treatments, depending on what type of cancer you have, where it is in the body, and the stage to which it has progressed. Your overall health will be considered in order to find the best treatment plan for you.

Research suggests that treatments used in younger adults are often safe and just as effective in older adults, so senior citizens are generally given the same treatment options that are offered to younger adults.

Getting a second opinion-asking a doctor to go over the diagnosis and suggested treatment plan given to you by a different doctor-may be a good idea, and some insurance companies even require a second opinion before covering the costs of treatment.

New treatments are often available for testing. If you have cancer and would like to participate in clinical trials of new treatments, talk to your doctor.


Experts estimate that about two-thirds of cancers are caused by factors we can control, including the use of tobacco and what we eat and drink. Contact with dangerous substances like chemicals, metals, or pesticides can also increase your risk of developing cancer. Here are some ways to lower your risk of cancer:

* Refrain from using tobacco products. Tobacco-in cigarettes, chewing tobacco, and even from second-hand smoke-is known to cause cancer. Tobacco causes about a third of all deaths from cancer in the United States each year.
* Limit your exposure to sunlight. An excess of ultraviolet radiation from the sun, sunlamps, and tanning booths can lead to wrinkles, skin damage, and cancer.
* Maintain a healthy diet. Eat at least five servings of fruit and vegetables every day, limit fatty foods, and get enough fiber in your daily diet.
* Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight contributes to your risk of developing certain types of cancer, including cancers of the prostate, pancreas, uterus, ovary, and breast.
* Get plenty of exercise. Remaining active can lower your risk of developing breast and colon cancers, as well as other types of cancer.
* Limit alcohol use to a maximum of one or two drinks per day. Consuming more than that increases your risk of cancers of the mouth, throat, esophagus, and larynx. People who drink alcohol excessively and use tobacco are at an especially high risk for these cancers.
* Know and heed work and safety rules to avoid dangerous materials that could lead to cancer.

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Cavities and Cancer

Cancer can appear in so many parts of the human body and take a whole range of forms. But whatever the position of the cancerous growth and whatever its size and speed of growth, there is a common link throughout.

Our body has cells which contain genes. These genes do different things including telling our cells how they should grow. If the genes are damaged they may give faulty instructions to a cell and cause it to grow too fast for example. Cells which multiply in the wrong way can grow into a tumor.

Now cancer in the mouth can originate in the tongue or the jaw and its cause is always the wrong or incorrect division of cells. Experts are not entirely sure as to every cause of oral cavity and tongue cancers but they are confident of agents which play a major role.

If there is a problem in an oral cavity, the immune system is required to work faster than normal to manufacture cells to repair the health of the person. But by having to reproduce too quickly, the cells have a greater chance of not copying exactly the DNA of a healthy cell. This can mean the creation of a diseased cell and its development is what often forms a tumor.

Tobacco has carcinogenic content which will directly alter a persons' cell development. Alcohol, on the other hand, may not directly create cell malfunction but it can and does help DNA damaging chemicals assist in the wrong cell growth.

The clear lesson is to not smoke and to be responsible with alcohol. Proper and good oral hygiene likewise is a must.

You should be aware that both tobacco and alcohol have the potential to cause serious health problems in different parts of your body including oral cavities. But the two together, alcohol and tobacco are far better equipped to damage genes and thus cause the creation of abnormal cells. These cells can move around the body and when sufficient of them come together, a tumor is formed.

One of the best ways to maintain healthy teeth and prevent decay is through diet. Eating badly helps damage your teeth and eating well helps fight tooth decay. The fewer cavities you have and the healthier lifestyle you live, the greater the chance the genes in your cells will not be damaged. Healthy genes equal healthy cells and that equates to a cancer-free body.

A deficiency of certain minerals and vitamins in your body leads to tooth decay. Build up those missing ingredients and give your teeth strength and long life. The fewer cavities you have the fewer chances there are for cells to misbehave in your mouth.

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Cell Phone Use, Cancer, Your Health - Finding a Definite Answer That Links It

Have you heard the recent news about brain cancer and its connection to cell phone use? It is an alarming news to some people but there has been talk for a long time about it. Is it really true? There are more questions than answers. The recent news make more people think about it and the health of their family.

Cell phones are part of everyday life of almost everybody in this modern world. Who does not use one? At least one in the household has a cell phone. For some each family member uses one. Some people use it mainly as a safety measure. It is very useful when anyone has emergencies away from home. It comes in very handy.

Just for the past few days there has been news that cell phone radiation is connected to developing cancer. Studies have shown conflicting results about this. The fact is that it is up to you what to believe and take the necessary actions that best suit your lifestyle. It is important however, that you continue to follow the news and update yourself.

There has been reports that cell phone radiation is linked to confusion, depression, insomnia and headaches. Using it at bedtime shortens and delays the stages of deep sleep. As you know that deep sleep is needed to allow the body and the brain to rejuvenate.

The recent news mentioned some major companies that have models that have higher radiation levels that in turn poses a higher radiation risks to the consumer. However, some studies show that there is no adverse health effects from wireless phones.

Take care of your body. Prevention of illness still is the best medicine. It is up to you now what to do. Consider what will happen if you use it often or not, if you believe or not believe some of the reports determines your action.

Is your cell phone emitting a radiation level that is unsafe to your health? There is still no data that have a definite answer to this according to one of the researchers.

Monitoring your wellness is one of the best thing you can do to your body. Keep up with the recent news. Take care.

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Nanoparticles Promise Increased Efficacy in Cancer Treatments

The disease that is commonly known as cancer is just uncontrolled cell growth caused by a host of factors. This growth may be triggered by several diseases, the common ground for all these diseases is the fact that they share the attribute of unrestrained growth of cells. There are more than 100 different types of cancer. The malignant cells of cancer can spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymphatic system.

It is in a single cell than cancer begins. The body is made up of millions of cells, they divide and grow in a controlled manner to keep the body healthy. Old and damaged cells are replaced with new ones. This is a perfectly controlled process that goes on in our bodies to keep us healthy. But sometimes, things go horribly wrong. The DNA of a single cell can change or get damaged. They may mutate, producing abnormal cells that affect normal cell division and growth. When this happens, cells grow rapidly and uncontrollably. The extra cells form a mass called tumor. Cancer is really too many cells than what the body needs.

Modern technological advances witness breakthrough findings in Nanotechnology and its application in medicine. This field is particularly beneficial for the treatment of Cancer. 'Cancer Research' reports therapies based on nanotechnology with targeted small molecules, in treating cancer. The molecules, otherwise known as nanoparticles, improve the efficacy of chemotherapy. Abraxane is the most commonly used nanoparticle medication. Abraxane, by virtue of being a nanoparticle bound compound, readily dissolves in water.

The many headlines that you read today on cutting edge research and breakthroughs in Oncology may be slightly misleading and could create unrealistic expectations. We are still quite a long way from effective applications of the several promising findings revealed by research. Clinical application of research findings is a typically long drawn out process, it takes years for FDA to approve and millions of dollars in trials and follow up research. Not to mention that for commercially viable production, the market has to accept it.

Besides, most promising research may suddenly find itself at a dead end with no progress in sight. This is the nature of scientific research, it takes dedication, money and time to pursue an idea till it becomes a success in real life. The positive outcome of all this research is that considerable progress has been made in cancer research. Cancer is now more manageable than ever. We know that the brilliant minds of the research community is progressing in the right direction and hopefully the dreaded disease will soon succumb to a cure.

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Teeth Extraction and Cancer

Cancer is one of those diseases which can occur in a variety of places. If you discover you have a cancer in your mouth, a number of issues come into play.

The first thing to understand is that no two people or cancer situations are the same and so any advice given here may not apply in full to your condition.

The second thing to know is that many people recover from cancer of the mouth and go on to live a normal [well almost] and productive life. I say 'well almost' because in many cancers of the tongue for example, tooth extraction often takes place.

The reason for this is primarily because radiation needs as few obstacles as possible in seeking out the tumor and destroying it. As you will have seen from ancient skeletons, the teeth are extremely durable and also very strong. Extracting the teeth gives the radiation a far better chance of homing in on its target and, in addition, will not be bounced around off a tooth or teeth and onto such things as the salivary glands.

It's true that one possible consequence of defeating your cancer of the mouth is that you may well require the removal of some of your teeth and therefore the use of dentures. But you are not entering unknown territory here. You must know that teeth are extracted in their millions every day and people have been wearing dentures successfully for ages.

Dentures or false teeth can be made solid by attaching them to your jaw but sometimes radiation may weaken a jaw and if so, a strong adhesive will affix the denture to your gum.

In some cases the radiation will leave parts of your mouth quite tender. If you then place a denture on this tender part, the pain may be uncomfortable. This could delay the use of your dentures. Thus if you lack your usual chew power, your diet may need to change or else far more preparation of your food will be required.

Should you have a tooth extracted if you have cancer? That is a decision for your medical professionals.

Be aware that general practitioners are not specialists and are almost certainly not a dentist. If you are experiencing problems with your tongue, seeing a doctor is of course not a bad thing but a dentist knows far more about mouth hygiene and should also be consulted.

There are many myths about cancer and one is that having a wisdom tooth or teeth extracted will cause cancer. This is simply not true. In fact there is little mystery about the cause of most cancers of the throat and tongue - smoking. It is yet another type of cancer which is largely preventable; in short, don't smoke or, if you do, quit now.

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